Dynamic Earth, LLC offers Geotechnical Engineering consulting for commercial, industrial, and residential projects.
Our geotechnical professionals can support your project from initial due diligence to geotechnical investigations, geotechnical design, materials testing and construction phase inspections. From soiling borings to vibration / settlement monitoring, pavement evaluation and foundation installation our geotechnical engineers can oversee your projects from the start through construction.
We understand regional geotechnical challenges across the U.S., allowing us to provide tailored recommendations for diverse projects. Our services go beyond project planning. We offer geotechnical and geostructural design services during the permitting process and support our clients through construction to ensure our recommendations are properly implemented.
Geotechnical Services
Due Diligence Studies and Investigations
- Desktop document research
- Preliminary subsurface exploration
- Feasibility planning
Geotechnical Investigations
- Soil Borings/ Test Pits/ Cone Penetration Testing (CPTs)
- Carbonate Rock Investigation and Karst Sinkhole Mitigation
- Mining Subsidence Studies and Investigations
- Pavement Repair and Maintenance Plans
- Hydrogeologic and Groundwater Mounding Analyses
- Geologic Hazard Evaluation
- Geophysical Study
- Slope Stability Analyses
- Pavement Condition Survey
- Seismic Response Evaluations
Stormwater Basin Investigation
- Seasonal High Groundwater Evaluation
- Permeability Testing
- Double Ring Infiltrometer
- Single Ring
- Exfiltration Testing
Post Investigation Services
- Instrumentation and Monitoring (Vibration, Crack, and Settlement Monitoring)
- Existing Bulkhead and Seawall Condition
Design Services
- Retaining Wall Design
- Temporary Support of Excavation Design (SOE)
- Pile Design Services
- Underpinning Design
- On-Site Wastewater Treatment System Design and Permitting
- Septic Design
- Foundation Design
- Seawall, Pier, and Bulkhead Design
- Shoreline Stability and Protection
Construction Phase Testing and Inspections
- Shallow Foundation Construction
- Pile/Pier Foundation Installation
- Pile/Pier Load Test Observation
- Subgrade Inspection
- Proofroll Inspection
- Retaining Wall Construction Observation
- Overexcavation Observation
- Ground Improvement Observation
- Proofdrilling and Grouting Testing and Observation (Carbonate Rock)
- Compaction Testing
- Moisture Conditioning Testing and Observation
- Laboratory Testing
Material Testing
- Steel Reinforcement Element Inspection
- Concrete Testing and Inspection
- Structural Steel Inspection
- Fireproofing Testing and Inspection
- Masonry Testing and Inspection
Professional Services
- Expert Report Preparation
- Expert Witness Testimony
- Geotechnical Peer Review
- Geotechnical Consultation and Construction Consulting
- Forensic Studies
- Value Engineering
- Resiliency Design
Accreditations and Certifications
- OSHA 10 and OSHA 40 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER)
- AASHTO Accredited Laboratory
- ANSI ISO/IEC 17020-2012
- NYC Class One Special Inspection Agency
- New Jersey Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) Special Inspector
- Authorized Miami High Rise Peer Review
- Florida Certified Septic Inspector
- Transportation Worker Identification Card (TWIC)
- NYSDEC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Inspector
- Maryland On-site Wastewater Professionals