Dynamic Engineering
North East Region

Christopher Crane, P.E., CFM
Principal – Dynamic Engineering Consultants, PC
Christopher Crane is a civil engineer with over 10 years of experience and is responsible for conducting technical analyses, calculations, data collection, and staff coordination, as well as producing drawings and reports for land development permitting. He prepares Flood Hazard studies ranging from a single-family residential lot to road improvement projects requiring hardship exemptions, and he performs hydrologic and hydraulic calculations in support of Flood Hazard studies. Mr. Crane is also responsible for preparing Stormwater Management Reports for various projects. These reports include hydrology, water quality, groundwater recharge, hydraulic, and sediment control calculations.
His experience includes designing various structural stormwater management measures including retention ponds, infiltration basins, detention basins and other water quality BMPs. As a Certified Floodplain Manager, Mr. Crane is well-versed in stormwater management design, flood plain management, National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) compliance, and agency permitting. He maintains Professional Engineering licenses in NJ, PA, and VA. Mr. Crane earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Lehigh University ’08.